Episode 29

Published on:

28th Nov 2019

Épisode 29 : L’Association nationale des étudiants en actuariat (ANÉA)

Découvrez cette organisation d’étudiants en actuariat au Canada ainsi que leur relation privilégiée avec l’ICA. Gina Kirollos, étudiante à l’Université Concordia et vice-présidente des communications de l’ANÉA, ainsi que Sarra Bouikini, ancienne membre de l’équipe de l’ANÉA ayant agi à titre de vice-présidente de l’administration et des projets spéciaux, discutent du congrès annuel de l’ANÉA, du perfectionnement universitaire et professionnel, du mentorat entre pairs et des autres services fournis par l’association.

Roxanne Gaudreau, coordonnatrice principale, éducation et perfectionnement professionnel, au siège social de l’ICA, donne le point de vue de l’ICA sur l’importance de tisser des liens avec la prochaine génération d’actuaires le plus tôt possible. (En français)

Show artwork for Seeing Beyond Risk / Voir au-delà du risque

About the Podcast

Seeing Beyond Risk / Voir au-delà du risque
Podcast of the Canadian Institute of Actuaries / Balado de l'Institut canadien des actuaires
The Seeing Beyond Risk podcast spotlights unique human-interest stories, engaging discussions on emerging actuarial trends, and noteworthy industry updates with the Canadian Institute of Actuaries (cia-ica.ca), the qualifying and governing body of Canada's actuarial profession.

Le balado Voir au-delà du risque met l’accent sur des histoires uniques, des discussions sur les nouvelles tendances actuarielles et des mises à jour de l’industrie avec l’Institut canadien des actuaires (cia-ica.ca/fr), l’organisme de réglementation et de qualification de la profession actuarielle au Canada.

About your hosts

Chris Fievoli

Profile picture for Chris Fievoli
Chris has been Seeing Beyond Risk’s primary host since its inception in 2019. He boasts a distinguished career as a Fellow of the Canadian Institute of Actuaries (CIA) and is a graduate in Mathematics and Actuarial Science from the University of Waterloo. With more than a decade's experience at the CIA, Chris currently serves as the Actuary of the Communications and Public Affairs Department, blending technical actuarial prowess with effective communication strategies. His previous role on the Society of Actuaries Board of Directors from 2007 to 2010 underscores his dedication to the profession.

Through Seeing Beyond Risk, Chris melds his passion for storytelling with his profound understanding of risk management. Each episode offers insightful conversations that resonate with both professionals and enthusiasts, inviting listeners on a journey to uncover the intricacies of risk. With Chris at the helm, the podcast provides a platform to explore, learn and navigate the complex landscape of risk with clarity and confidence.

Maude Ayotte

Profile picture for Maude Ayotte
Joining the CIA in 2021, Maude offers a fresh perspective to the podcast as its co-host, specifically in episodes featuring French-speaking guests. With a background in French literature and criminology, her multidisciplinary approach to co-hosting enriches discussions on risk management by pulling out nuanced perspectives from different fields.

Maude's rich experience of more than seven years working in communications seamlessly integrates with her passion for storytelling, amplifying the podcast's impact. Additionally, her extensive 15+ years of experience in the performing arts field brings a creative flair to her role, elevating the listener’s podcast experience. What’s more, her ability to draw from this diverse range of disciplines enriches the overall quality of Seeing Beyond Risk, providing a holistic exploration of risk in various contexts.